あなたの場所へ、おともします! I will accompany with you or accept outcall service!
You can get session in your hotel room or going restaurant, etc with Krathoorm staff in Osaka or your place (All around Japan, or All over the world).
Outcall in Osaka city-center area 大阪市内中心部への出張サービス
Service area and Fee サービスエリアと料金
Total fee consists with the SESSION FEE (Bodywork, Men’s work or Outcall Menu) and OUTCALL FEE below.
地域 | 出張料金Outcall Fee (before23:00ends終了まで) | 出張料金Outcall Fee (after23:00ends終了-) |
店舗から片道15分以内 Reach within 15min from Krathoorm (目安roughly) 大阪駅・梅田駅 中津・天満・南森町エリア Osaka(Umeda) Station, Nakatsu, Temma, Minamimorimati Area | +4,000円JPY | +6,000円JPY |
店舗から片道30分以内 Reach within 30min from Krathoorm (目安roughly) 北浜、本町、なんば、新大阪エリア Kitahama, Honmachi, Namba, Shin-Osaka Area | +7,000円JPY | +11,000円JPY |
店舗から片道30分以上 Reach more than 30min from Krathoorm | every30分min超過ごとに 3,000円JPY (往復時間round-trip count) + 交通費実費 Public transportation Fee (合計1000円単位に切上) | every30分min超過ごとに 3,000円JPY (往復時間round-trip count) + 交通費実費(帰りはタクシー利用)Public transportation Fee(taxi one way) (合計1000円単位に切上) |
Outcall hours 出張対応時間
Menu メニュー
4X-RELAX(Limited for Outcall : Only for Men)

フォーエックス リラックス
This unique menu including 4 popular menu in my shop, Thai traditional bodywork, Aroma bodywork, Karsai Nei Tsang (Jap Karsai, Genital) and Chi Nei Tsang (Abdominal). Enjoy relax with therapist, face to face, body to body relaxed therapy.
120min 21,000yen
150min 26,000yen
180min 31,000yen
※If you make booking through the form, select MEN’s Work form and switch from your choice.
※On the purpose of relax therapy, therapist get off some clothes on some part of the therapy.
※Some important technique of Karsai or Chi Nei Tsang are not including this menu for the sake of Relax.
※You can also choose your favorite menu from 4 kinds of the therapy.
※Photo is only sample image.
Bodywork or Men’s work Menu ボディワークまたはメンズワーク
You can take Krathoorm Bodywork and Men’s work menus, popular at Krathoorm shop, at your place.
(Outcall service has some difference from shop service, for example without Herbal Ball or Premium Drink)
Remarks ご留意事項
○ 出張メニューは、グリーンプレミアムサービス等、店舗において実施しているキャンペーンやご利用の多いお客様へのサービスの対象外となります。All campains (ex:Green Premium) at Krathoorm shop do not apply for outcall menu.
○ ハーバルボールはご利用いただけません。Herbal Ball does not serve on outcall.
○ オイルを使用するメニューは、シーツを持参して行いますが、ベッドや布団などにオイルが付着することがあります。Sometimes put some oils around your bed or some places.(I bring the Sheets on the case of using oils menu, but)
○ アロマボディワークを含むメニューを布団で行う場合は、施術者の負担が大きいため、別途2000円の追加料金をいただきます。Apply 2000yen surcharge if there is no bed in your place)
○ ご予約当日のキャンセルはできません。Only accept cancellation until previous day of booking.
○ ご宿泊先のホテルへの出張の場合、施術者を含めた人数でのご予約を強く推奨します。それ以外の場合、外部からの出入りが禁止されている場合(ほぼ全てのホテルが該当します)はご利用いただけません。万が一訪問後入室が不可能で施術ができない場合でも、料金は全額いただきますので、事前に十分にご確認ください。Krathoorm strongly recommend to book your hotel room for 2 people. Almost all hotels cannot enter as a visitor, please check beforehand. You have to pay all your charges if the therapist cannot enter your room and cannot get session.
○ 暴力団関係者の方、その他当方が不適切と判断した出張先には、ご利用をお断りする場合があります。I cannot accept outcall in case of improper place.
○ 領収書が必要な場合は、ご予約時にお申し出ください。訪問後には対応致しかねます。なお、クラトームはインボイス制度における「適格請求書発行事業者」ではありませんので、当該領収書の発行はできません。Please request beforehand if you need to get the receipt.
Booking ご予約方法
Accept your booking request through telephone, reservation form or What’s APP.
Don’t forget to enter your information about your hotel at “Remarks” field.
OTOMO (accompany) service オトモサービス

What’s “OTOMO” (accompany) Service???

For example
dinner together, Live concert, karaoke, traveling… I accompany with you!
You can also get easy guide or easy translator (between English and Japanese) in Osaka or other places.
Additional say, although it’s get higher price, I can accompany with you or getting session at all around Japan, or over the world.

Wow! You will do anything!?
Then I want to make love with you at my hotel room!

…Sorry that’s out of service!
That’s also out of service for illegal matters, needs some technique, or working (without relaxation session)
Service Fee 料金
総料金(a+b) = a 時間料金(店舗出発から到着まで)+ b 諸経費(交通費、食費、チケット代など)Total Costs (a+b) = a Hourly Rate + b Incidentals (transportation, dinner, ticket fee etc)
a 時間料金 Hourly fee
1時間hour 13,000円JPY〜
excess time: every 30min 3,000JPY (Max 8hours(include max 4hours of massage session) 50,000JPY per day)
b 諸経費 Incidentals
Please pay ALL incidental fees (example:dinner or public transportation fee) by customer.
ご予約方法 Booking
Please contact through the form (in case including the session) or What’s APP. I reply you with estimate fee.
Please make payment in advance at Krathoorm shop.